Jianguo Lin

Research Fields: Metal forming, Materials and Process Modelling, including multiscale modelling

Personal Academic Homepage:https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/jianguo.lin

Professor Lin is a Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng). His research expertise is in Metal forming, Materials and Process Modelling, including multiscale modelling. He has published over 300 research papers in refereed international journals and over 20 patents, most of his patents have been taken by industry. He joined Imperial College London from the University of Birmingham in 2008 and established a Metal-forming and Materials Modelling Group at Imperial. The Group is the largest one in metal forming research at UK universities, and has established 4 research centres and 3 joint research Labs fully funded by companies, and, has an international reputation in developing new metal forming processes, multiscale materials and process modelling theories, and, providing innovative solutions for metal forming and related industries. He is a Founder Director of three Imperial spin-off companies (Impression Technologies Ltd, CurvEx Technology Ltd and Multi-X Solutions Ltd), which are resulted from his patented techniques.